How Human Design Changed my Life
What is Human Design?
Human design uses your date, time and place of birth to determine and share your genetic design. It is described as a ‘Holistic self-knowledge system’, helping individuals learn more about their unique design and code.
Initially downloaded and developed by Ra Uru Hu as a way to support parents understand and see their children, it was adopted by the masses to help us deeply understand our energy, personality, gifts, lessons, intuition and so much more.
By learning your human design you can have insight into:
How your energy functions
How you make decisions
Your personality
The unique way you make things happen
How you manifest, eat, feel and sense the world around you.
How to identify if you are on the right path or not
Your purpose in this life
Discovering human design changed my life and he personal insights I gained were so powerful and transformative. After learning these 5 things, I could no longer operate in the same way I had been…
5 Things Human Design Taught me About Myself
1.Rest is as (if not more) important for my success than action and productivity is:
My energy is cyclic. I go through periods of ebb and flow more than most and to remain in alignment I need to listen. I operate best when I am in my femenine energy, seeing how I feel in the moment rather than a rigorous plan. Because of all this, I am not designed to operate a 9-5 job. I work best when I can take listen to my energy and operate accordingly. This doesn’t mean I don’t plan but that I remain connected to the cycles and move in alignment with them.
2. I am not for everyone: Things happen by sharing my knowledge and waiting for people to respond with interest and invitation. If I begin trying to push, force and make things happen like my generator friends, it will never be received well. Instead, I hone my craft, deepen my skills, acknowledge my own value and share my wisdom as I wait for it to resonate with someone. This has been the greatest test of patience and trust so far but knowing this about myself was game changing and freed me from situations that would previously leave me full of bitterness.
3.I am not here to ‘make things happen’, I am here as a guide to teach and communicate my ideas and view. It took me a long time to come to terms with this one, mainly because I rarely spoke before the age of 15! But once I started sharing my insight (with invitation) with people, I could begin to see the truth in it. When I began talking about spirituality, holistic wellness, nervous system regulation and wellbeing, I realise that people were complimentary of the new ideas I put forward.
4. I am here to research and experiment (Profile 1/3): To find my passion, voice and success I look at areas I am drawn to learn more about. I need the time and space to follow things that spark interest and dive deep into researching areas that excitement me rather than tackling an agenda provided by someone else. For this reason, I struggled ALOT in school where we were taught a narrow and pre-determined curriculum and even as an adult I noticed people would laugh at my desire to dive deep into topic, believing I needed to work ‘smarter not harder’. The problem was that I LOVE spending time going deep into research to secure the foundation of my knowledge. For this reason, you can trust that if I have chosen to speak about a topic, I know it the very foundations of it.
5) I don’t have a ‘gut’ instinct (Emotional Authority). My intuition is through waiting and then observing a full body sense of ‘rightness’. This is an interesting one as I am a huge believer that our instinct leads the way and that we should listen to the intelligence of out body BUT it meant for a long time I struggled to hear mine in the way I way I was taught to. I was taught that you pose a question and you get a visceral gut reaction telling you a clear YES or NO. I would try, I would wait and it would feel foggy. After time I would get a full body knowing, or rather sensing what the right decision was. Because of this my friends and family laugh at the length of time it takes me to make a decision. It is not an instant autonomous sensation for those with emotional authority. We have to ride a wave of highs and lows before we are able to make a decision in a place of stillness. At this point it will arrive as a full body ‘knowing’ free from elation or depression. It just feels right.
Want to know more about your human design profile?
Why not book a free discovery call?
Human Design helped me get a promotion…
After finding out about my human design, I worked on actively changing beliefs, patterns and habits that kept me out of alignment. These are some of the changes I made:
I decided to honour my energy. Instead of staying late at work to prove myself, I left at the end of my working hours and spent the afternoons taking care of myself and resting. This meant that I was well balanced enough to tackle my to-do list efficiently rather than in a state of numbing exhaustion and distraction.
I kept my focus small and let everything else ‘simply be’ (not easy for a Type A perfectionist and control freak). As a teacher in a large school, we were in charge of planning only one subject for my team. By diving deeply into that subject, my skill and gifts were soon recognised and I was invited to join the middle leadership team in charge of overseeing the curriculum.
…and then made me quit my job…
I realised that I am not able to work a 9-5 job filled by repetitive days and surrounded by so many people (however much I adore them). My days, appointments and tasks need to be fluid and I need to be in charge of my own timetabling.
I soon realised that if I was truly living my design then I was always going to find myself in alignment so I decided to follow the passion. To dive down the rabbit hole of research into yoga, vedic philosophy, spirituality, nervous system regulation in order to share my ideas with clarity and help others know themselves.
I took my time to make any descicions, allowing myself to ride the emotional wave before making a choice. This was so important for me in making ‘a transition’ into the next chapter, rather than taking ‘the leap’.