How to find contentment - The 3 Pillars Of Santosha
Gratitude For the Past - Reflect and Release
The past is a window into your gifts (dharma) and lessons (karma). Through Soul Embodiment coaching, you learn how to reflect on the past with compassion in order to use your past experiences and triggers as a tools for transformation. During this deconditioning process, you are supported as you dive into the past to question and release limiting beliefs or conditioning that may hold you back and cause the flow of energy to have become stuck. Upon identification, during our work together we use Sound Healing, Crystal Reiki and Proactive Breathwork to help unblock the flow of energy, releasing the heaviness you have been carrying as you begin healing and create space to step into your own light.
Acceptance of the Present- Rebalance and reconnect
Finding stillness and acceptance for the present an immense gift but it’s not always easy. Through coaching, you are guided through practises (breathing, meditation and somatic practises) that help you find stillness and taught techniques to use in your own time . In this balanced state you see clearly, live intentionally and make concious choices about how you want to shape your life. By rebalancing the nervous system and energy you are able to see and understand yourself on a deeper level. You can identify what makes you feel alive and can begin to explore how you can courageously bring your gifts to the world.
Aspiration for the Future- Rediscover and Redirect
You now see yourself and your gifts clearly. You have the ability to respond to stress with agility, trusting the process, even during the hardest times. You begin to see all that life has to offer and you start envisioning a life you feel worthy of living. Your aspirations become goals and together we turn the goals into manageable actions for you to begin living your life on purpose. You feel supported as you take risks to express yourself and begin to embody your soul’s purpose.
Do you want to find out more about these pillars or Soul Embodiment Coaching. Explore the website or book a free discovery call.